AMRAP Routine for Climbers

AMRAP routine workouts allow for short, high intensity exercise sessions to build strength and power - and this one is built specific to climbers. You've got 20 minutes! Stop and take a breath only if and when you need it. The goal is to improve your strength and power endurance whilst knocking the seconds off the recovery time you need to keep going.

As climbers we want to be more efficient at preserving and using energy, so that we can perform at a higher intensity before getting tired. AMRAP and HIIT routines are great methods of conditioning the body to rid itself of acidic byproducts from training, which contribute to muscle stiffness.

Challenge your friends or use it as a tool for yourself to grow and improve in your own training space. Play it safe and be responsible! Start with once or twice a week, and get advise from a professional if you are experiencing any pain or would like to check your form. Have fun!

Time Stamp:
00:56 - Knee Ups
01:21 - Superman
01:42 - Curl
02:05 - Squat Worm
02:43 - Flag Roll
03:13 - Nature Dei has accepted the Beta Stash Challenge!
Big thanks to our local climbing gym Bloc11 for the awesome venue!

Jessie-Lou Workman